Monday, January 9, 2012

Stopping in to share...

I want to say things are crazy busy here right now, but I think I will just stick with things are crazy here.  But I wanted to share these couple of things with you before I lose track of them, again. 

Both of these were shared on Facebook by friends of mine.

Blessed Are the Uncool

Don't Carpe Diem

Here's to a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. LOVED LOVED BOTH! I remember Reilly wondering around during services as a toddler trying to get the priest's attention because his brother told him to raise his hand to answer the priest's question and the priest had moved on without calling on Reilly (with good reason because Reilly had no answer), Father Mike looked down and said, "God must have put you in front of me so I could look at those beautiful blue eyes." Yes, I have a church that accepts all of the un-cool. Kairos Diem.
